GG Lube oil leakage


Industry: Oil and gas


Gas turbine lube oil level was deceasing continuously and tend to reach S/D set point

The gas turbine lube oil is experiencing a significant decrease in its level. An external oil leakage has been identified on the mechanical components of the gas turbine, specifically at the Variable Inlet Guide Vane (VIGV) ram connection.

The SOOTHSAYER platform detected this significant decrease in the GG lube oil level. In response, the P-Dictor operations team investigated the data, calculated the consumption rate, and provided recommendations to the owner. It was advised to plan for stop the gas turbine to address the GG lube oil leakage issue effectively.

Solution Implemented:

P-Dictor team provide the recommendation to:

  1. Conduct a preliminary inspection by visually examining the leakage point through the inspection window in the gas turbine enclosure room.
  2. Filling Gas turbine oil (Top up) to maintain machine operation.
  3. Calculate the consumption rate and compare it to the OEM’s specifications.
  4. Review the operation plan and manage the schedule for machine maintenance.
  5. Prepare the necessary spare parts, plan for a machine shutdown, run the machine at idle speed for additional inspection, and address the leakage point.
Owner’s Countermeasure:
  1. Inspect through the gas turbine enclosure inspection window, the leakage was found on VIVG connecting.
  2. Machine load’s was decreasing to IDLE mode and thoroughly inspection additional leakage point.
  3. Correction the leakage point and restarting engine.
  4. Consumption rate recover on acceptance criteria.

the enclosure inspection window.

Leakage point

Leak evidence

Cost saving calculation: 1,762,950 BAHT
Decrease downtime: 2 days. 

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