MOU Signing Ceremony Between P-DICTOR Co., Ltd. and Machinosis Co., Ltd.


On September 12, 2024, at 2:00 PM, P-DICTOR Co., Ltd. and Machinosis Co., Ltd. participated in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony focusing on product development and workforce capability in machine monitoring and analysis.

Present at the ceremony were Mr. Sarun Jaiuea, Chief Operating Officer, and Ms. Natyatip Suksawasd, Chief Business Development Officer of P-DICTOR, along with Mr. Roengchai Chumai, Founder, and Mr. Pisut Lertsongkram, Senior Consulting Engineer from Machinosis, acting as witnesses.

This MOU will lead to the advancement of technology combined with engineering expertise to benefit all industries.

#PDICTOR #Machinosis #MOU #TechnologyAdvancement #EngineeringExpertise #MachineMonitoring #Collaboration #IndustrialDevelopment #EngineeringSolutions

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